Welcome to FSS Link Data Services!

Use your data to demonstrate your impact

Data Services allows our All Access members of FSS Link to regularly connect with the Compass team for facilitated conversations around your program’s data and to support your team on your program goals and outcomes. We ground our conversations on the same criteria that HUD uses for the FSS Composite Score:
    1) Enrollment
    2) Progress towards earnings goals
    3) Successful graduation
Your tailored dashboards can be used to inform housing leadership and other stakeholders, inspire your team to expand on successful marketing and outreach initiatives or help you to manage your goals. Twice a year review sessions are your 1:1 time with the Compass team to ask questions of and share best practices for effective FSS implementation.

How It Works


All Access members will collect escrow totals, contract start and end dates, recertification dates, and financial well-being information and submit this data on a quarterly basis through our in-house data portal.


Once submitted, our data analysts will review your data and prepare a tailored dashboard reflective of your program.


Twice a year (mid and end-of-year), you’ll meet with our team to review your dashboard and discuss wins and work through any challenges that appear in your data.


All Access Data Services has allowed us to present our data in a format that is easily understood and interpreted for us by an expert data analyst through narratives, visuals and conversation. Beyond program trends, we are able to realistically establish and meet program goals by using the data provided to better focus on those areas that may need increased attention.

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I have enjoyed the FSS Link Data Services from the beginning. I get great information about how the FSS program here can do better and what other programs are talking about. I love to listen and see what is going on with other programs and adapt what I do..always trying to find a better way to do what we do! I have relied on COMPASS and its services since the inception of this FSS program and have really benefited from the great knowledge and advice.

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Compass FSS Link Data Services updates and compares our data on a quarterly basis so that we can see our trend and make necessary program adjustments as needed. Compass Link Data Services painted a clear picture of our FSS program staff using various graphs. The visual data provided by Compass Link Data Services is quite helpful for our program and staff because it assists us in identifying “where we are” vs. “where we want to be” as an FSS program.

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The data dashboard is one of the best features of an All-Access membership. Having the ability to analyze the financial health of FSS participants over time allows us to address residents’ greatest strengths and challenges in more impactful ways.  And having the incredible Compass team available to review reports with us and answer questions has been invaluable.

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Access to hundreds of FSS resources and templates, specialized webinars, and personalized data dashboards, sets your team up for success.

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